About Us
Do Yoga, Help the World
The Yoga Cooperative MT, LLC strives to provide a welcoming and inclusive community space for people of diverse backgrounds to gather together to explore the mind-body connection in a safe environment. Social change starts from within and we believe all people regardless of age, background, orientation, religion, and/or ability should have access to the benefits of yoga and the healing arts. We strive to provide a wide range of offerings to accommodate all levels and abilities.
We do this in myriad ways. The Yoga Cooperative MT, LLC is dedicated to being a Purpose Driven Business [an organization or business that puts service and their values before profit.] Here at The Yoga Cooperative MT, LLC, a percentage of membership sales go to programs, charities, or partnerships. What kinds of programs, charities, or partnerships? Members decide! Learn more about memberships and rates on the Membership Page and other frequently asked questions in our FAQ section.
Are you a yoga teacher?
Do your values align with ours?
We are always looking for new members to add to The Crew! Fill out this brief form and let's get in touch!

Our Story
Everyone comes to yoga for a different reason. Some are searching for a way to connect to themselves or connect on a spiritual level. Some are looking for fitness and flexibility. Some are looking for a place for personal growth. Just like you, the founders and instructors at the Yoga Co-Op have all come to yoga for different reasons and it comes out in our classes. We love to share yoga and build a community around it.
Alyssa and Elaine are both Butte transplants that fell in love with this city and now call it home. It was through yoga that both women met and shared in their philosophical approach to this ancient practice. Before moving to Butte, Alyssa was a High School Science teacher who incorporated yoga into her classes. She and her husband have traveled the world and are now putting down roots in this city. Elaine is a Physical Therapist, Yoga Teacher and Yoga Therapist. She came to Butte while exploring the country as a traveling PT, experienced the natural beauty and sense of community here, and decided to make this home.
Both Alyssa and Elaine believe strongly in providing a space for ALL to practice yoga and are delighted to share their passion with this community.
Meet The Crew
Community Partners
What is a Purpose Driven Company?By choosing to be a Purpose Driven Company, The Yoga Cooperative MT is dedicated to putting our mission and vision before profit. What that looks like for us is once all of the studios overhead costs have been covered, a certain amount of our profit goes directly into community programs. Those community programs are decided on by our yoga teachers and members. On a quarterly basis, our members submit ideas for how to spend the profits allocated and the yoga teachers vote on it.
Why a Membership? What does my money go to?We have chosen a Membership model in order to provide benefits to our fellow yogis and to ensure fair pay for our yoga teachers. Once you pay your monthly membership fee, that money is allocated in a few different ways: the management and running of the studio, further investment into the space and to the quarterly program voted on by members and yoga teachers.
What type of membership is right for me?We offer a tiered membership model here at the Coop. We believe in autonomy over a person's yoga practice and that includes a budget. The three Tiers are: The Basic Membership, Studio Supporting Membership, and the Community Supporting Membership. So, which one is right for you? Our intention for these tiers is to provide an opportunity for all to come practice yoga regardless of experience, budget, race/ethnicity, orientation, availability, disability, etc. We believe these tiers help us in achieving this goal. The Studio Supporting Membership mirrors a membership that is common among yoga studios and that money goes towards us being able to pay our yoga instructors competitively, bring in guest workshop hosts, pay the bills and all other administrative fees. In other words, it helps us keep the doors open. The Community Supporting Membership is the most expensive, and in addition to going towards the running of the studio, it also helps us provide the most economical membership. The Basic Membership is there for those that feel that $39/month is the best option for them. Still unsure which membership you should choose? Use these guiding questions and hopefully your choice will be more clear. Do you come to yoga on average more than once per week? Are you able and willing to afford $69/month or more? If you come more than once per week on average and/or you are able and willing to pay $69/month or more, then you may want to consider either the Studio Supporting Membership or the Community Supporting Membership. Are you a member of the LGBTQ2+, a person of color and/or an indigenous person? These demographics are often left out of mainstream yoga classes and are infrequently represented. Are you brand new to yoga and/or don't come very often? Perhaps the Basic Membership is the right option for you. Either way, choose what membership is right for you, for whatever reason. And although it automatically signs you up for monthly payments, you can always cancel and sign up for different membership that you realize is best for you. We appreciate you! We would be happy to discuss any options with you, so reach out to us at info@yogacoopmt.com
What if I don't want to be a member?That's cool! Being a member may not be right for someone for myraid reasons. In these cases, we offer punch cards, without an expirartion date, for purchase.
I am in the mindfulness/natural healing industry. Can I rent the studio for my work?We hope the space becomes not just a place for yoga but a place healing as well. If you are in the mindfulness/natural healing industry, we offer the studio for an hourly rate of $15/hour. Reach out via email if you are interested!
I would be intersted in parterning with the Yoga Cooperative. How can I do that?That's great! Whether you are interested in hosting an event, providing programming that the Yoga Cooperative can donate to, offering special packages for your employees, or anything else, PLEASE reach out via email and we can discuss possibilities.
How do the donation classes work?We offer donation based classes at least once per week. The suggested donation rate is $5-$15 and it goes directly to the yoga teacher and the quarterly program getting funded through the studio. If you can't swing the suggested donation that week, just pay what you can. Maybe you have a bit more the next week, maybe round it up to $10-15. It's up to you. But please be aware that our donation based classes are recorded and added to the video library. The recording equipment is set up so that participants are not directly recorded.
What class is right for me?Each class is designated with a level of intensity, 1, 2 or 3. A class that is designated with a level 1 is typically a more gentle flow, yin or restorative, or good for beginner yogis. As you progress up to levels the intensity increases and you can expect to be introduced to more complex poses and an elevated heart rate.
I'm new to yoga, how do I start?"Hurray!!! What an exciting descision, and we're thrilled you want to start your journey with us. We offer several beginner level yoga classes that move at a slower pace, and offer instruction on pose structure and modifications. We also periodically offer workshops geared towards beginners. Reach out and ask when the next one is scheduled!
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